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تكاتك تغلق شارع 45 بمنطقه المنتزه

تكاتك تغلق شارع 45 بمنطقه المنتزه

تداول رواد صفحات التواصل الاجتماعي منذ قليل صور لاربع تكاتك في شارع 45 , قام بتعطيل حركه سير المرور علي أثر تداول حديث بينهما , مما أستدعي أحد الماره لأخذ هذه الصوره وهذا المشهد الذي دائما ما يتكرر في شوارع الاسكندرية وتسبب في كثير من الحوادث تصل الي الاصابات وتعطيل المرور واحيانا كثيره الي الوفيات .

وفي نفس السياق تداول كثير من الصفحات في السوشيال ميديا مخالفات جسيمة واصابات لكثير من اهالي الاسكندرية وابنائهم وذويهم علي يد سائقي التكاتك ويقومون بكثير من الاستغاثات للمحافظه والاحياء ولكن يبقي الوضع علي ماهو عليه .

مقالات ذات صلة

‫3 تعليقات

  1. Sputnik V vaccination has begun in Slovakia. The provisioning of the Russian vaccine to the countryside was accompanied aside a administrative ignominy and led to the abandonment of Prime Plenipotentiary Igor Matovich and a reorganization of the government. As a denouement, the rural area received the Russian vaccine, ignoring the items that neither the European regulator nor the WHO has yet approved it.
    In neighboring Hungary, which approved the use of Sputnik in February as the first in Europe, more than 50% of the matured commoners has already been vaccinated; in Russia – a scant more than 10%. In Slovakia, five thousand people signed up towards the Sputnik vaccination.
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  2. A month ago, when a 37-year-old pragmatical of a Singapore boarding school preferably of people with cerebral disorders was diagnosed with a coronavirus, the continual of the start did not provoke a panic. Bewitching into account the specifics of the habitation, all its lash and most of the slight constitution inhabitants were vaccinated against Covid-19 as being at jeopardy shun in February-March. Anyway, lately in cover, the boarding college was closed as quarantine, and all employees, patients and other people who recently communicated with the psychotic spouse or her develop were quarantined and began to be regularly tested. Enormous the next week, the virus was detected in three dozen people, including the 30-year-old sister at from the Philippines, as okay as four other employees of the boarding clique and 26 of its constant residents. Most of those infected were fully vaccinated against Covid-19… You can be hardened with another article on this of inspection at this relations https://stoffundstil.angebot.space I apologize for interrupting, but I would also like to express my opinion..

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